How to earn the points

Earn by shopping

1% of your each product price
HOW? The points (1% of each product price) will be automatically accumulated.
WHEN? The points will be shown on the next day after your delivery completed.
※Delivery fee and any other fee will not count as your points. The points will round decimals to the nearest whole number. ※Adjustments on Point Reward Programme

Earn by referral

You and the friend you referred will each earn 
100 points.
HOW? Referred customer: After registering as a member and placing your first order, please mention your friend’s full name and contact number in the comment box during checkout. Existing Customer: No action needed.
WHEN? The points will be shown after the referred customer's first purchasing delivery has completed. 
 You will receive an email after the point has been accumulated.

※Review Point-Rewarding Programme ended at January 2022. Thank you for your participation.

How to redeem the points

1 Point=1HK$ You may use it in your purchase.

Please input the number of points that you want to spend at a respective purchase on the last page of the ordering process.

※You can earn reward points based on the purchase amount even your points are redeemed.

How to verify your points

You may verify your accumulated points on our website "MY ACCOUNT".


※In case of any refund or cancellation, the granted point also will be cancelled.

※There is NO expiry for the points.

※You may not combine your points with other accounts.

※It is not valid with any other promotion.

WARAYA Point Program Terms and Conditions

Regarding the use of WARAYA points program (hereinafter, “this program”) on this internet shopping site “WARAYA”(hereinafter, “this website”) which is operated by WARAYA CO., LIMITED(hereinafter, “our company”), the WARAYA point program terms and condition (hereinafter, ”this Point Rules” ) are set as below. This points rules integrated with the WARAYA terms of service (hereinafter, “Terms of Service”) to form one agreement.

1.(Grant Point)

  1. Our company shall give the number of points to the members when the members purchase a product on this website by the specified method by our company, achieves the results expected by our company (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the result”) ,and our company approves the result, or when we deem it is appropriate.
  2. After the member has achieved the specified result in the preceding paragraph, our company will verify whether the actions taken by the members are the results for which points are granted or not. As a result of verification, the points will be granted to the member when the approval by our company is completed.
  3. Points will be granted at the specified time by our company. If the member's results are changed or cancelled before the points are granted, the granted points will be also changed or cancelled at our discretion.
  4. The expiration date of the points shall be determined individually by our company. Even if there is no expiration date, it can be set by notifying the member in advance. If the points are not used within the specified period set by our company, the points will be expired.
  5. Our company shall make the final decision whether to grant the points or not, number of the grants, or regarding other things about the granted points. The members shall comply with our company decision.

2.(Point Redemption)

  1. Members can redeem the points held by the specified method by our company among the products, rights, services etc. (hereinafter "products etc.") at the specified conversion rate by our company. It shall be possible to exchange for the benefits (hereinafter " redeem point ") provided by our company. However, points can only be exchanged if the member's personal information can be verified.
  2. Members shall provide necessary information for exchanging products when you redeem. After applying for point redemption, the member shall not be able to change or cancel the application and shall not be able to refund any points for the application. In addition, we do not take any responsibility to compensate any benefits of the points that could not be exchanged.
  3. Our company shall cancel the points even if the member used the points. If there is a shortage in redeeming points due to the cancellation, the member shall immediately pay the balance to our company by using the specified payment method.
  4. Our company may disclose necessary member's personal information (address, name, telephone number etc.) to the related delivery business consignment companies for the purpose of carrying out point redemption.
  5. Our company shall make the final decision regarding the use of points, the conversion rate, whether cancellation point or the other things about the redemption, the members shall comply with our company decision.

3.(Point Cancellation)

  1. Our company shall cancel some or all the granted points to members in the past if any of the following items given below. In addition, we will not make any compensation for the cancelled points and will not take any responsibility.
    1. When the results are not what our company expected.
    2. When it is not match with the grant conditions determined by our company.
    3. When the member request to return or cancel the products which purchased from our company or cancel an action that leads to the results.
    4. When the member violates this Point Rules.
    5. When points are granted due to our company’s mistake.
    6. When the member earned the points by false, fraudulent or any other illegal means.
    7. When our company deem it is appropriate to cancel the points.
  2. If the members lose their membership, he / she shall lose all the points and related rights. In addition, if there is any disadvantage or damage due to the loss of points and related rights, our company will not make any compensation for the cancelled points and will not take any responsibility.

  3. The members agree in advance that some or all member's points can be cancelled at the discretion of our company due to the suspension or cancellation of this service or major changes in the service content etc.

4.(Point Transfer Restricted)

All points earned by individual member cannot be shared, combined, transferred, bought, or sold. If the member is holding one or more accounts, the points will not be able to combine in any ways that have mentioned above or others.

5.(Redeeming for Cash Prohibited)

Under any circumstances, the member cannot redeem the points for cash.

6.(Handling of Breached of Rules)

If our company believes the member has violated the Term of Service Section 12(prohibited behaviour), our company may act the followings without prior notice or member’s consent. Our company will not compensate and shall not be liable for any loss or damage.

  1. Warning notice via email
  2. Measures stipulated under Membership Agreement Section 2.3 (membership suspension, termination)
  3. All earned points will be void
  4. Publication measures after taking measures mentioned above

7.(Tax Obligation)

If the member is subject to any tax or duty by using this service, it shall be the sole responsibility of the member. The member should take all applicable actions to settle.

8.(Matters that has not mentioned in this point rules)

The matters that has not mentioned in this Point Rules, final decision would be made according to the Term of Service.

November 21 2020